Issaquah Daily: Your Destination for Local News, Sports, Lifestyle and Education Coverage
Welcome to the new home of Issaquah Daily. Since November 2013 Issaquah Daily has been focused on covering local news, sports, weather, lifestyle and education topics. Issaquah Daily will continue to cover these topics with a growing emphasis on original reporting.
Local news has changed in Issaquah as newspapers have shut down and the economics of publishing has gotten more difficult.
In 2017, when the Issaquah Press went out of business after 117 years in existence, the Seattle Times and Seattle Post Intelligencer both covered the news. The Seattle Times acquired the Issaquah Press in 1995.
There have been recent legislative efforts to help maintain local news. Senator Maria Cantwell from Washington State, helped author the Local Journalism Sustainability Act. In her press release Cantwell stated that “The COVID-19 pandemic made it crystal clear that local reporters and newsrooms are essential to keeping the public informed and safe, but their importance spans well beyond health emergencies,” said Sen. Cantwell. “At its core, local news is about holding the powerful accountable. The strength of our democracy is based in truth and transparency, and local newsrooms are on the ground in our communities asking the critical questions, countering misinformation, and telling our stories. We have to protect these vital parts of our communities.”
Issaquah Daily agrees that at its core, local news is about holding the powerful accountable and the strength of our democracy is based in truth and transparency.
Recently Issaquah Daily has provided original reporting on local news, sports, business, education and lifestyle topics. A few specific articles include:
Issaquah High School Girls Basketball Coach Doug Crandall resigning.
The increased crime and shoplifting in Issaquah at Target retail stores.
An interview with the CEO who is opening a Family Entertainment Center in Issaquah.
As a need for original and trustworthy local news and reporting increases in Issaquah please send news tips or suggestions to: info@issaquahdaily.com
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Nice redesign!