Community Support Needed For Homeless During Freezing Conditions
As winter weather continues there are opportunities in our community to help those people in shelter who are experiencing homelessness during severe cold and snow. Issaquah residents needing housing during this time are being housed in both Issaquah and Snoqualmie Valley, due to the increased need. Here is information about how you can help if you are moved to do so.
The most urgent needs right now are meals, prepackaged food items, and money. Due to COVID protocols, shortage of staff and space, none of the agencies can accept any drop-off items this week. To help them centralize operations, and best plan for staffing needs and space, they have asked us to direct donations through the following online methods:
- Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank:
- Donation can be made online here; please note in the Comment section that the donation is for Homeless Outreach. For additional questions, please contact Bonnie Decaro-Monahan bonnie@, or Cori Walters cori@issaquahfoodbank. org; phone: 425-392-4123.
- Donation can be made online here; please note in the Comment section that the donation is for Homeless Outreach. For additional questions, please contact Bonnie Decaro-Monahan bonnie@
- Snoqualmie Valley Shelter Services:
Thank you to Councilmember Barbara De Michele for the details.