Are you pleased with the way government runs? Do your elected officials accurately represent your positions when passing legislation? Are their things you wish you could change? Now is the time to file your candidacy for elected office as part of Election 2020. Candidate filing begins May 11, 2020.
Candidates interested in running for Washington State elected positions must file their interest beginning May 11. Filing week ends May 15.
To become a candidate, you must complete and file a Declaration of Candidacy and, at the time of filing, possess the qualifications specified by law required for the office and be properly registered to vote in the district represented by the office.
State representatives for the House and Senate as well as Congressional representatives are open for election this year. State offices also to be elected also include governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor, commissioner of public lands, superintendent of public instruction and insurance commissioner. Three Supreme Court justices positions will also be elected, along with some King County judiciary positions.
Representing Issaquah in the Fifth District are Bill Ramos, Lisa Callan and Mark Mullet, who are all up for re-election. In Issaquah’s 41st district, Tana Senn, My-Linh Thai and Lisa Wellman are also up for re-election. It is unknown whether all the incumbents will seek re-election.
Filing can be done online. For more information, click here.