Issaquah Daily is giving away over $1,000 worth of gift cards, in increments of $25, over the next several weeks to help you get money flowing into the hands of local merchants who need our support.
If you want to order for pick-up or delivery, these gift cards will help our businesses.
Contest Rules:
Each day at Noon, PT, trivia questions will be posted on our social media profiles. Check-in to win. If you sign-up for our e-mails, you’ll get the trivia question a few minutes before it’s posted on social media. The first person to answer that days trivia question wins a gift certificate for $25 from one of the following:
Sign-up here.
Vino Bella Wine Bar, Macky’s Dim Sum & BBQ, Levitate Gastropub, Yum-e Yogurt, Khao San Thai Cuisine, Ohana Eastside, Sunset Alehouse, JaK’s Grill, El 42 Cantina, Stan’s Bar-B-Q, Las Margaritas Issaquah, Krawbar.