300 Zoom Seats Available for Issaquah School Board Meeting
The Issaquah School District is holding it’s monthly board meeting on Thursday, September 23, 2020. The full agenda is available here.
In light of Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order and extension of the Open Public Meeting Act wavier, the board meeting will be held via Zoom.
You may observe this meeting by clicking on this link: https://zoom.us/j/93504319703 or you may listen by calling 1-253-215-8782, meeting ID# 935 0431 9703 and follow the prompts.
Zoom capacity for this meeting is 300 people. A recording of this meeting will be posted on the school board website the week following the meeting.
There will be an opportunity to give public input if you have joined the Zoom meeting via computer with microphone by clicking on the above link. If you are phoning into the meeting, you will not be able to give public input during the meeting. You may submit your comments in writing to schoolboard@issaquah.wednet.edu.
Public Input begins at 6:05 following the pledge of allegiance:
Public Input is an opportunity for public input on items not already scheduled for discussion on the meeting agenda.
At 6:20 pmThe Administration will provide an update on the 2020-21 school year.
If you have joined this meeting via Zoom on your computer, your microphone will be muted until it is time for you to speak. Please state your name and attendance area. The Board requests that you keep your comments to three minutes or less. If you are phoning in, you will not be able to give public input during the meeting. You may write your comments to schoolboard@issaquah.wednet.edu.
At 8:35, there will be an Executive Session – The Board will go into Executive Session pursuant to RCW 42.30.140 relating to collective bargaining. Superintendent Thiele and District Administrators are expected to be in attendance. The Executive Session will last 60 minutes and will be held remotely. Executive Sessions are not open to the public and no action will be taken.
For the full agenda, click here.